FC Mariupol

ClubFC Mariupol
Date of birth1936
Formar namesMetalurg Mariupol, Azovets Mariupol, Novator Zhdanov
Related teamsIlyichovets-2 Mariupol

Titles and achievements of the team

4th place (3): 2018/19, 2005/06, 2000/01

5th place (3): 2017/18, 2004/05, 1998/99

Semifinal of Ukrainian Cup (4): 2019/20, 2017/18, 2005/06, 2000/01

Top scorers

Player name Country Matches Goals
1 Babich, Kostyantyn 191 45
2 Hetman, Yuriy 79 37
3 Fomin, Ruslan 123 34
4 Yaroshenko, Konstantin 150 33
5 Pinchuk, Kostyantyn 76 32
6 Rykun, Oleksandr 114 29
7 Kryvosheyenko, Ivan 214 24
8 Molokutsko, Stepan 108 23
9 Kisil, Ruslan 58 19
10 Churko, Vyacheslav 103 18
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Top players

Player name Country Matches Goals
1 Shuhovtsev, Igor 279 0
2 Kryvosheyenko, Ivan 214 24
3 Yavorskyi, Serhiy 213 8
4 Mishnyov, Dmytro 209 16
5 Babich, Kostyantyn 191 45
6 Tyschenko, Ihor 172 16
7 Sakharov, Kostyantyn 171 10
8 Anikeyev, Volodymyr 168 11
9 Yesin, Dmytro 155 7
10 Yaroshenko, Konstantin 150 33
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