Anatoly Sidenko

Date of birth21.01.1974
Place of birth Ukraine
Nationality Ukraine
Height, weight 189 cm, 75 kg

Player profile – performance data

Season Clubs Country/Competition Matches Goals
1992 SKA Kyiv Ukraine (D2) 9 0 - -
1992/93 CSK ZSU Ukraine (D3) 8 0 - -
1994/95 Keramik Baranivka Ukraine (D4) 3 0 - -
1996/97 Systema-Boreks Ukraine (D3) 23 6 - -
1997/98 Systema-Boreks Ukraine (D3) 32 5 - -
1998/99 Prikarpatye Ivano-Frankovsk Ukraine (Д1) 4 0 - -
  Systema-Boreks Ukraine (D3) 11 1 - -
1999/00 Systema-Boreks Ukraine (D3) 25 0 - -
2000/01 Systema-Boreks Ukraine (D3) 12 2 - -
2001/02 Systema-Boreks Ukraine (D3) 16 1 - -
Summary statistic in Ukrainian Permier League and Vysha Liha 4 0 - -
Summary statistic in Ukrainian First League (Persha Liha) 9 0 - -
Summary statistic in Ukrainian Second League (Druha Liha) 127 15 - -
Career details of the player checked. Last change: 12.10.2013.

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